After a painful 13 hour flight, we´ve arrived in Buenos Aires! Our attempts at getting an upgrade on the grounds of being honeymooners were futile as the flight was jam packed. We have already seen the Iguazu Falls though, from 37000 feet! The pilot did some nice banking right over them to allow all to get a good view. We are still planning to get a closer look later on in our trip.
So, Emma and Mags had planned a little surprise for our arrival which I had a little prior knowledge of having been asked by Emma to push back the dates of our first 2 nights accomodation. Emma and Mags gave me a blank sealed envelope the night before we left and told me not to open it until we had met our transfer at BA airport. I wasn´t allowed to tell Jo anything, although Jo being Jo she´d already sussed something was up. The penny dropped when we came out in to the arrivals lounge to be greeted by a very smart gentleman holding a leather bound sign for Mr and Mrs Mason. We were then shown to a very nice big Merc with blacked out windows. We opened the envelope to learn that Emma, David, Mags and Matt had treated us to 2 nights at a luxurious spa hotel in the Puerto Madero district of BA. We got to this awesome hotel to be shown to our hotel room complete with rose petals in the hall and on the bed and a bottle of champagne!!! The following day we strolled into BA centre to get the lay of the land, and returned to the hotel for some serious spa and steak action.
Today we had a fairly large shock to the system transferring to our first BA hostel experience, which is a perfectly okay place but not quite a spa hotel! We can´t seem to find the telly in the room, and massages from the staff are not forthcoming. Anyway, we´ve arranged for a weeks worth of Spanish lessons starting tomorrow and will probably then head out west to seek some rural relaxation. BA is excellent but the countryside is calling.
We´ll post some photos once we´ve sorted the cabling out.
Lots of love.
The Masons. x
Hello, Hello Mr & Mrs
AM clearly technically incapable - have just written one note but then it told me i wasnt a proper blogger?!!
So Glad you are having a good time - mrs sleuth - arent you glad you didnt know what was going to happen!?
Hope you enjoy when you get to habla espanol - i expect some spanish emails!
have made a mental note not to log on to this blog thing at work - will depress myself!
Take car of each other
Am off to Tom and Clares fro some cheese eating
lots of love Soph xxx
Yea, hotels can be really bad sometimes. I believe the besto option is to have an apartment for rent buenos aires since you are gonna have telly and all the appliances you need to make your saty more comfortable. i tried this once and it turned out to be the perfect solution for my accommodation issues. I see you are also gonna be learning Spanish, well let me warn you, it can be difficult at times, but it is a matter of perseverance.
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